Secure Communication Signals

CENTUM dedicates its time and energy to making the world a safer place to live. Our products, like the award-winning system Lifeseeker, are therefore involved in search and rescue missions, communication with target persons during emergencies and the pursuit of suspected felons.

Our reputation in this field has been built up with years of development experience in the areas of communication technology, signal processing, aviation electronics and system verification.


Developed by CENTUM itself, the Lifeseeker allows for Search and Rescue (SAR) teams to find missing persons through the help of their mobile phones.

The trust in this system and its resulting popularity with its users is due to the much faster speed at which it locates a missing person than that of a traditional visual search.

Not only can more lives be saved with the Lifeseeker, but CO2 emissions, costs and the time spent per mission can be significantly reduced.

SAR and Rescue Helicopter - one of the typical platform for carrying CENTUM Lifeseeker

Private LTE Communications

Communication is essential in emergency situations for locating the lost person and connecting them to a source of help as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the communication infrastructure oftentimes cannot support reliable contact with the target, or it is just not widespread enough in the target area to get the job done.

CENTUM has invented the Private LTE Communications exactly for these types of situations. This system is a portable communication infrastructure that supports secure and reliable communication in emergency situations regardless of the search environment.

One of the highlights of this system is its flexible integration into various transportation systems such as helicopters, drones, vehicles and even boats.

Search and Rescue personell benefits from reliable communication systems, such as Private LTE Communications by CENTUM

No-jam Zone

Satellite navigation (GNSS) is an integral part of countless systems in the areas of transportation and logistics. A possible malfunction of such a system would have a catastrophic economic effect and would compromise the safety of the public.

An example of a disturbance leading to a malfunction often happens when a so-called GPS-Jammer is involved. With the No-jam Zone system developed by CENTUM, one can detect and locate these kinds of disturbances so that they can be quickly and safely removed.

Entities such as airports, for which transportation infrastructure is crucial for proper function, rely on CENTUM’s No-jam Zone to guarantee safer and more reliable day-to-day operation.

Airports are the type of critical infrastructure that can be protected using Nojamzone

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